Day 11 – Two Down

So after Marc’s eviction yesterday, the camp are wondering why?

Between them they’re gobsmacked and they figure out that it must be because of his relationship with Cerys. The problem is she can’t understand why he went and she wasn’t even up. I think you’ll find it’s because you’re single sweety and he’s not. Plus the fact that his girlfriend gave a cutting interview while voting was taking place.

It’s quite sweet that Cerys isn’t too concerned with the if’s and but’s, she’s just worried that Marc might be upset. Bless! 

Readers comment:
Its not making me like Lynne anymore though, I still can’t stand the woman she winds me up something rotten and I’d rather rip my own arm off and beat myself up with it than listen to her! Selena, as always your blog is the bomb, was gutted to miss last nights episode (damn my social life) but this mornings update was more than enough to compensate. Oh how i love this blog……..

Thanks so much Pamela! I aim to please.
Selena x

Back to the show…
Cerys and Gemma ended up doing the Bushtucker Trial. The campers voted for them (after another row between Rodney and Lynne because they both wanted to take over!) It didn’t take long did it!

Anyway… Cerys and Gems had to reverse bungee and as they screamed into the sky they had to throw a ball at a target. If they hit the black and white sections they got three meals. If they hit the red, they got one. Gemma went first and got one meal, but she learned some valuable lessons and advised Cerys on technique. Cerys took to the sky and got 5 meals. Well done ladies, 6 meals is enough to keep the munchies at bay.

Good Lord, Lynne’s off again bickering and picking and Rodney and Janice are just as bad. Anna (who is no longer invisible) hit the nail on the head. Her theory is that the golden oldies have no patience at all and I have to agree. They’re putting the crocs to shame as far as snapping goes! Anna is starting to grow on me you know, she’s quite funny when she actually speaks. I also loved how Gemma wanted to stay because they’re still trying to get John to cook chips for the chip lovers and he wont. Go on the youngsters, give the narky oldies hell! I’m sure they’re not making camp fun for you. Let them eat chips John!

Now there’s a recipe for disaster! John and Janice trying to get the Celebrity Chest. I’ve no clue how many times Janice said "I’m trying my best" but it was A LOT! John (as always) was direct and as far as Janice was concerned, insulting. They arrived at a turkey pen and they had to catch the turkeys and read the combination to the chest off their feet. Needless to say John did all the fetching and carrying, but Janice gave him all of the credit on their return. She wasn’t proud and tipped her cap to him.

The real moment of evil came when they had to answer the chest question and last night’s England score was revealed. Rodney was gutted. Naughty producers, should be flogged!

WOW! Marc has just admitted that he’s in love with Cerys. He told an I’m A Celeb staff member, "I’m in love with two people. I could cry, I don’t know what to do. I would like to be here for Cerys when she comes out as she’s gonna go through this, but I’ve hurt someone I’ve been with for two and a half years. I live with her". Marc was asked if she thinks Cerys has fallen in love with him and he said, "yeah, I think she has!"

Marc said he has to put his feelings aside and he wants to go back to London and speak to Sarah. Do you think he’ll be back or will he leave tonight? He didn’t go yesterday as planned, that much we know.

Ant and Dec head into camp and they reveal that the bottom three are Anna, Katie and John. The votes are in and Katie must leave the camp tonight. Was it the right choice? What do you think? If you ask me, Katie wasn’t as annoying as I thought she’d be. In fact she was quite fun and I think I’ll miss her! She was more bubbly than bitch and I just loved it when she said, "less breathing more screwing" to Lynne. She likes workers and Lynne is not one. "She goes on and on and she won’t let anyone get the last word". Katie commended Gemma and Jay for working so hard in camp. She would like to see Jay crowned King Of The Jungle!

See you tomorrow…
Selena x

Selena Ledgerton Cooper
MSN Reality TV Blogger

42 thoughts on “Day 11 – Two Down

  1. It,s funny how Rodney persists in trying to get the men to do the trials when the majority of the meals have been won by the
    women.Fingers crossed he,s off to the versace tonight

  2. Are the programme makers getting short on cash. We have just voted to keep someone in and now they want another hours voting to decide who goes from the bottom three.The term money grabbing ba*****ds spring to mind.

  3. This fantastic I am living in Edmonton Canada and reading the blog is like watching it on the television in England. Keep it up!!!

  4. Well Gemma is is extremely unfeminine boring in fact why the hell is she in there and why the hell is there so much talk about her being this sexy babe shes got fale boobs not a very good figure a bit boyish and talks like a lad. Someone is trying very hard to promote her thats for sure .

  5. Is gemma still in???? dont think she\’s said a full sentence yet never done anything interesting. The only reason the producers sent her in there was to show her boobs for the cameras, not seen her without either her fleece or coat off yet. Not a patch on last years glamour girls. And this comment is from a woman.Get her voted out. Or is this another phone rigging thing were the winner is already decided

  6. Morning, I enjoyed the show last night and thought the trial was really good (would love to have a go at that) and it was nice to see fresh faces doing it. The celebrity chest was really funny, I don\’t like John and watching him chasing those turkeys whilst Janice sat and watched was priceless. I was sorry that Katie went though, I know she\’s had a lot of bad press but I liked her. Hope it\’s J and Anna for the trial tonight, without Rodney\’s interference, what a baby he is when he doesn\’t get his own way, and I really hope John is voted out tonight he\’s freaking me out, I think left in the jungle any longer he\’d probably go feral, he\’s bonkers!!

  7. I have to feel a little sorry for Marc Bannerman.  He did wrong humiliating his girlfriend in front of millions of viewers but I suppose if an instant attraction is there,  there is nothing anyone can do about it.  I am female and I can only guess that the reason he was voted off first, when I thought he would be in the last three to say the least is that a number of women that vote have come out in sympathy with his girlfriend.  Why I feel sorry for him is that he was not the only one in the equation and let us not forget that Jordan had a boyfriend waiting outside the Jungle for her when she was flirting with Peter Andre but that seemed to be acceptable to the public. WHY?  Seems to me that Sarah, Marc\’s girlfriend made sure by doing an interview about \’how woe is me\’ he was first to be booted out.  I think I\’d have probably done the same but I also know I would not take him back as I would know that someone has turned his head and it would be only a matter of time before somebody else did the same.  He has been discriminated by being a male as I stated before, Jordans boyfriend who was pictured pushing Harvey around in a pushchair whilst she was in the Jungle but noone gave him a second thought and he never got to be interviewed either.

  8. Sorry Alison but I totally disagree with you re Marc Bannerman and comparing him to Jordan and Peter Andre, for one they were genuine and unfortunately yes she did have a boyfriend, for two Cerys was quoted as saying she was looking for love in the jungle, for three Marc and Sarah\’s relationship was allegedly very rocky etc etc.  They will all make a fortune out of this in the tabloids and glossies, so as far as I\’m concerned his time in the jungle is over, lets forget him and concentrate on the show. No doubt the fuss will all start again when Cerys comes out, she\’ll probably release an album off the back of this.

  9. Morning all… I missed last nights show, was home in time to see the vote off. Shame Katie went it sould have been John. I agree with (no name) about the phone votes, it does stink of money-grabbing by ITV. Oh well, let\’s keep telling ourselves it\’s for charity (they do get 15p out of the 50p). Hello Patricia, can\’t believe you think Jordan and Peter\’s relationship is genuine! I think she just had dollarsigns in her eyes when he said he liked her! Am gonna miss tonights show too, hope Rodney or John go, or Janice, Lynne, Cerys. Even J, Gemma or Anna and Biggins! Have a good day all, It\’s Friday!!!!

  10. Well I missed the show last night because for some reason it gets scheduled an hour earlier than normal (WHY????), so firstly a BIG thanks for the update on the blog.
    Secondly, I think everyone should stop giving Bannerman a hard time – yes ok it\’s wrong of him to be openly flirting and canoodling in the jungle when he has a girlfriend at home, but sometimes the laws of attraction are much bigger forces than the two people involved.  He and Cerys clearly clicked instantly cos he was raving about her as soon as he met her, and all I can say is for his head to be turned so quickly, he really couldn\’t have been that solid with his girlfriend in the first place.  I\’m sorry but I thought her \’woe is me\’ interview was an embarrassment and clearly just the fury of a woman scorned…she said she wanted to discuss it with him in private, so why sit there chatting your feelings with a camera pointed at you?  She should\’ve conducted herself with more class and kept a dignified silence until she spoke to him first.
    Thirdly, can we PLEASE unite as a nation and vote Lynne out?  PLEASE I beseech you all!  I cannot bear the woman, she grates on every nerve in my body.  She acts like she is so superior and self righteous, when she is petty, childish and above all bitter!  All she has done since enter the jungle is bitch and moan about everybody at some point!  And I am in total agreement that it is because she likes to be the centre of attention and simply cannot handle it when she is not.  For someone who is supposed to be so at one with the spiritual world she harbours a hell of alot of negativity and bitterness.  I find her behaviour childish and moronic!  I think she has the hide of a Rhino to sit there and bitch about Janice Dickinson (whom I adore by the way).  Yes Janice can be loud, overbearing, extremely blunt and very outspoken, but quite simply she just speaks what is on her mind whether it is user friendly or not.  I find Janice hysterical and very entertaining and I think some of her comments are taken far too seriously by people who have clearly had a sense of humour bypass.  I think Lynne can be equally outspoken, so it is very hypocritical of her to moan about someone else who embodies the same characteristics.  At least Janice can be just as critical and damning of herself when warranted, and I quote: "I just couldn\’t do it so I feel like an asshole and a loser"……whereas Lynne will never admit that she is wrong or is the one with the problem.  I think Lynne thought she would be the strongest female personality in the jungle and cannot cope with the fact that Janice has an equally strong (if not stronger) persona.  Bottom line, I think it comes down to jealousy….I mean look at Janice at age 53 still looking like a model and look at Lynne!!!  John\’s right, she needs to get up off her posterior and expend some energy doing something more constructive than moaning about other people or leaping around performing some kind of tribal dancing while the rest of the camp laughs at her!  What an idiot!
    Get Lynne out………..Janice to win!! ;o)
    P.S. I think Rodney is hilarious!  A proper wind up merchant, I love him.  Again, did no-one realise his sexist comments about women were merely statements directed at, and for the sole purpose of winding Lynne up?  Classic.  

  11. Er… ok (no name) I\’ll waste all my hard earned cash voting for ALL the others just so you can be really happy watching her leave. You don\’t see many Lynne fans begging for votes do you? In fact I\’ve only ever seen the Janice fans begging for everyone else to vote Lynne off. Why is that? Still at school? On benefits? Hardly makes for a fair competition does it!

  12. Oh and Terry Matthews, yes I do think Peter & Jordan are genuine so we\’ll have to agree to disagree on that one, and they have been togther since 2003 so they must be getting something right.

  13. Hi Patricia, yeah, happy to agree to disagree here, although knowing that Jordans bank balance has swollen by millions and millions of pounds since marrying Peter and her main ambition is to be a Billionaire i wonder if its genuine. She didn\’t have the look of love in her eyes like Cerys. Just told him he had an acorn for a willy and insulted him whenever she could if i remember rightly. They\’ll milk it for as long as they are paid to I\’m sure!

  14. Jeez!
    In response to Patricia…I am aware it\’s only telly hun, everyone else is having a rant so just thougt I\’d join in, lol! ;o)
    In response to Terry… are clearly a victim of the sense of humour bypass I referred to earlier. 
    Lighten up people!!!  It\’s Friday ;o) 

  15. Hahaha cheers for that (no name) it brought a smile to my otherwise very sad, dull face. I\’m a changed man! Thank you, Hahahaha

  16. Just one more thing to add in response to Terry\’s comments.
    Katie Price is on her way to being a billionaire cos she\’s a shrewd business woman, has worked hard for her cash and capitalises on every opportunity.  You do not commit to marriage and bear two children for somebody just to make a few extra bucks…she\’s far from hard up for cash.  Why is it so hard for you to believe that they are a genuine couple?  Unlucky in love yourself maybe??  No need for me to get personal, I agree…….but after the still at school? on benefits? comments it is clearly the only kind of response you will be able to relate to. 
    No wonder u like Lynne ;o)

  17. aaaaaaaaaahhhh Terry!  You\’ve have seen the light and it is burning brightly!
    In turn I apologise for my \’unlucky in love\’ comments…..made them before I read your response!
    Glad you have been forced to smile……….keep it up!!  ;o)
    P.S. Enjoy the show tonight folks!

  18. Hahahahahahaha still laughing! cheers for brightening up my day! yeah jordan is shrewd, hope the pair of them are truly happy. Thanks for your concern, happily married here since 1997! The comment about school/benefits was merely a comment as to why you beg for votes, i know christmas is coming but if you\’re short, just don\’t allow yourself to be so worked up by Lynne. Pamela already asked if this blog was becoming the Terry Matthews Show so out of respect for the other readers i\’m gonna go do something slightly more constructive. Will be on here tonight though, back around 11pm if tou want to continue the chat. Nice talking to ya! Play nicely! x

  19.      How evil was it for rodney to find the football score out? Heres a man who is a football legend being given the chance and platform to empathise with a wounded nation. Gone are my thoughts on what a sexist,manipulative,egotistical little man he really is to be replaced by this connection  i feel born out of my rememberance that rodney was  an english footballer after all. \’Evil\’,well yes,you could say that? "
          I agree with what the younger members of the group said, it is the 4 oldest members that are acting out and being childish. That 4 however is 3 against 1 to be a bit more precise and got to respect katie who acknowledged that her and lynne were different because katie is masculine and lynne is feminine.
    PATRICIA + TEZZA. Yes i agree its all very addictive and it is only a gameshow and yes these are only opinions. I know myself well enough to know that im probably wrong but its good to read how other people see the same events differently. Its all good 😉
    LP- You were bang on about rodney, he said to john that "if you leave there will only be a couple of men."
    SELENA- I agree with what you say about janice giving john praise for his part in the trial. This was a refreshing change from janice. After all when she came back from her trial with biggins she said he was a star. Unfortunately when biggins was out of earshot she whent on to say "oh man,that trial, i had to put my hands into scorpions and rats, put my head into spiders and snakes and there was a cage with insects coming in everywhere, cockroaches making love on my chest"(flashes chest). If you hadnt watched the trial you would think she had done all those things because that was the impression she gave. Janice also said about lynne "oh man, that women has been giving me digs ever since we met at the hotel,she started it all". When janice and lynne met in the hotel they where told that malcom mclaren wasnt taking part. Lynne said " i know malcolm ill speak to him", janice raised her voice and said "why should it be you,i know malcom we go way back", and off she stomped. As was seen by everyone malcom mclaren had no idea who janice was but he did know lynne. With all this dishonesty and manipulation from janice im glad to see her turn over a new leaf, even though rodney praised janice in the same way janice praised john, there is consistency from those 3 in regard to those three.
     Marks comments suprised me the most in regard to rodney and lynne. At first he was like rodneys lapdog repeating everything rodney had said about lynne. Nearly all stated opinions on lynne that you read and hear first came from the mouths of rodney,john or janice and then these personal opinions of their  enemy somehow become the truth.Its like when someone points out  a habit that you didnt notice before but now its all you see because its been pointed out, very clever but also very manipulative. Mark didnt seem as keen on rodney in the interview last night and when gauded about lynnes spirituality he said " theres nothing wrong with spirituality". When asked about the conflict he whent on to say " If the bullying in the camp was in a work place then the bullies would be sacked. Its not right and to show that on the tv screen is wrong". I wonder what was said or he witnessed within the camp to change his opinions so much in regard to the three amigos and lynne. I respect him for that.
          Rodney has now started getting at biggins, calling him a pantomime clown and other little comments. Quite strange really because biggins is great and doesnt start arguments but biggins crime is sticking up for lynne and if ever you wanted proof that rodney was manipulative and wanting to get at lynne, there it is, bullies always go for anyone who sticks up for the victim. Rodney begs questions of people to try and make them look bad and hides his true self beneath the veil of humour and \’i tell it has it is, im only winding people up\’ facade. Rodney was my favourite at first but my opinions of him have changed, without lynne there he would be top dog with john second in command and it does his head in that he cant dominate. I find it all very interesting.
     I took the time to read on lynne franks website yesterday who she was and what shes achieved in her life. She may be quite annoying and original but wow, what a women! you should take a read, lynne has nothing to prove.
      Looking forward to tonight and being made to look wrong in my opinions, but eh, they are only opinions and if you ask my wife she will confirm that im \’ always wrong\’ anyway.  Peace

  20. Oh, and your comment about not getting married and having kids for money… Did you hear that Brian McFadden did just that? He and Kerry Katona got married just because the mags gave tham £2,000,000 to do so. They had two kids too. His words, not mine! Anyhow, running late….

    Tezza u can\’t do something more constructive, I beg of you. Please continue your one man campaign to make us like Lynne (although it won\’t work, you make a good read) . I apologise for my "Terry Matthews show" comment, long may it continue. (P.S Saw u on the X factor blog also, how are u married? does your wife ever see you?)
    and (NO NAME) please give us a name, u are right on the mark, please identify yourself!

  22. Hahaha cheers Pamela… are you sure you, selena and (no name) are not all one and the same? Oh, and maybe you ought to make that a two-man campaign…. I\’ve just read Karl\’s comment. Off to check out Lynne\’s website, will be on again later Pamela. I\’m sure there will be others on here to entertain you. Peace x

  23. So upset first time on the page today it has been hell without it (jus kiddin) y the hell wasnt lynne in the bottom 3 last nite. please can she go 2nite. want janice john n rodney as 3 finalists. (obviously john 2 win thou) ha tht wud du lynnnes head in gettin beat by those three.

  24. it wud be interestin to see wht camp wud b like for one day without lynne. my guess it wud be calmer n not "controlled by the chanting zen  woman".
    to anyone hu likes zen n chanting n all tht stuff this comment isnt designed to offend you. im jus sayin she goes ott with it all knowing it winds others up. if she wants to do it then fine but she shud find a quiet corner instead of parading around in frunt of every1s faces wen she says she doesnt want attention. hmmmmm sounds a bit contradictory(how du u spell tht?????) 2 me.
    pamela: totally agree with you. i will never change my mind about lynne but terrys comments r fun 2 read.

  25. To all those who want Lynne to go. Of course she has several bad points but plenty of good ones too. She is self righteuos, yes, but caring and warm. Rodney just likes to put people down for fun. The ones he see\’s as the weakest. He now sees Biggins as an easy target and will start on him now. Smiling when putting him down, pretending it was all a joke. He seems very practiced at this.  And he will probably keep chipping away at him now. Why on earth was he not at the bottom three? Changing the subject, Marc being interviewed by the researcher at the back of the car, saying I\’m in love with two women did not seem to ring true, I\’ll have to wait and see what happens to him and Cery\’s when she gets out.

  26. BECCA We cant get rid of Lynne in case we inadvertently get rid of Tezza also. Imagine this blog without him, it would be like Ant with no Dec or Janice with no surgeon – incomprehensible (hehehehe). She\’s a div but still she\’s good to watch, I\’d prob switch off if Gem, J, Anna, Cerys (with no Marc) were in the final 4, how dull!

  27. Hello Pamela, how sweet of you. You\’ve certainly changed your tune since we first \’met\’. I\’m glad you think my comments are fun to read, I\’ve never really tried to \’make\’ anyone like Lynne though. Just defending her when so many people seem to hate her on this site. She\’s alright, eh? Glad that some of you are warming to her, and glad that you appear to be warming to me also. Cheers! I\’m out tonight, look forward to seeing what\’s gone on when i get back!! Enjoy!

  28. BECCA- I agree with you in that there would be peace in the camp if lynne left. I dont think a person can cause conflict just by having an opinion. The alternative for lynne is to say nothing and keep quiet but why should she, because shes a women or her opinion isnt as important as rodneys or johns. They come out with what they think and thats ok but if lynne disagrees she is causing conflict? The conflict happens when john or rodney start shouting whenever lynne as an opinion so it is being made to look that lynne is the cause when she isnt the one shouting or creating. John gets up early and does everything just so he can then get at people, if john goes the camp will not fall apart and others will get a chance to cook and such. Rodney winds people up looking for a reaction but then shouts and gets nasty when a strong women has an opinion and yet lynne is in the wrong somehow? We are all different though and see what we want to and im just as guilty for that. Its like marmite i guess, i cant stand it but there are those that do.

  29. In response to Pamela……it\’s no name again here!  You asked me to identify myself, the name is Jessica….but I dunno how you add it to this comment thing…..doh!

  30. Oh…..okay!  LOL!!!!!!!  Evidently I do!
    Once again Pamela you\’re right, Terry\’s comments make very entertaining reading indeed…..although I too will never be swayed to the Lynne Franks fan club.  I\’m certain she\’s not all bad….as few people truly are, but she IS annoying in the extreme.
    Hope you liked the retort re: Katie Price.  I have to say I didn\’t particularly care for her before I saw her on \’I\’m A Celebrity…\’ but since the jungle antics I have become a firm fan.
    P.S. Terry – How bizarre, I NEVER knew that about Brian McFadden & Kerry Katona…….but why does it not surprise me??? ;o)

  31. One final word to Terry…….I assure you that myself (aka no name), Pamela and Selena are indeed all individuals in our own right, no conspiracies in effect…promise ;o)
    Pamela….I just read your message to Selena about ripping your own arm off to beat Lynne with.  Bwoy can I relate!!!!! ;o) 

  32. Well I have to say its been no fun on this site today, what with Karl going on about marmite and Terry Matthews exposing Brian McFadden and Kerry Katona I feel like I\’ve wandered into the twilight blog!! At least no name has come out, hello Jessica. 

  33. AHHHHHH JESSICA! So nice to finally greet you by your real name! LOL to your comment responding to Tezza in that we are one and the same! I think him and Karl are actually Lynne to be honest, she\’s well nipping off to the dunny and blogging on her secret Lap Top under the alias of them, heheheh.
    Tezza, enjoy your evening out, hope your taking the missus with u seeings tho u have clearly ignored her all week, between IACGMOOH and X FACTOR blogging! ha.
    On that note I\’m off home. Have a lovely weekend guys!!! x

  34. Ah, hello ladies, nice to meet you Jessica, i am convinced that all 3 of you are indeed individuals. Sorry to have brought up Bri\’s and Kerry\’s bogus wedding Patricia, he said it, not me! How I wished for it to be true love! Shame the kids will probably hear of it when they\’re older too!. Cheers for the messages in my absence, had a great night out thanks Pamela, yeah, we went as a family, even took my own mother!!!! Was a really good night out! Shame i missed Lynne being evicted from the Jungle, would have loved to have seen her interview with A & D. Glad she\’s out though, it must have been hell in there fo her. Rodney, Janice or John to win!!!!

  35. I loved the show especially Janice, she\’s a great entertainer, fun and down to earth.  The show woud be dull without her tantrums and straight talk.  Vote for Janice and keep her to win.  Get the rest out because they just want be on camera.  Let\’s get dirty.

  36. Good job that the bullying witch Anna has gone. What a horrible little gang that lot are. They accused Janice of all sorts, yet they are all far nastier than her. Even J had a go at Janice for using the camera when it hadn\’t even worked,what made it exclusively belong to the coven I don\’t know. Then they used it to take photos of everyone but Janice. Nasty, cruel people. JANICE TO WIN!!!!!!  

  37. From what we can see from last night\’s programme, I\’m glad Anna is being voted out.  J, Gemma, Carreys and Anna have been talking about Janice behind her back.  It\’s sad to see the real true colours of those foursomes are coming out.  They don\’t deserve to be in the final  and just boring to watch.  I would loved Janice and Biggins to win.  They are a true Superstar.  Vote for Janice and Biggins to win.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  38. Carreys, J & Gemma should be the next one to be voted out.  Carreys has just broken up a strong realationship with Marc and her beautiful girlfriend and the other two are just boring as ever.  Anyway, who is Carrey?  What is she famous for.  Vote for Janice to win.  A true diva!

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